Warning: Adult Content


As the author of this blog, I want to warn you that there is some sexual language within these stories. It's not vulgar, nor is it explicit, but if you would be offended by the language in a typical male (or female) locker room, then you should probably leave.

These are romances, therefore, expect romantic situations. Is it PG-18? Probably not, which is why I have not set this blog to ask if you are over age. In all honesty, I think most of these "safe-guards" are a load of crap because we all know that a kid can access whatever they want by lying. If you are a parent and insulted, then I hope that you are keeping healthy tabs on what your kids are reading both online and off. Healthy--like discussing with them what you find appropriate or not for whatever maturity level they are.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Why I like writing

So, this really isn't supposed to be a place where I blog my thoughts (that'd be Daily Dose), but I'm working on the third chapter of Guarding Princess and "its" happened again.

If you've never written a piece of fiction, then you probably think the way I did that when author's say something along the lines of "the character speaks to me" or "the plot just had to go in that direction," they meant it in a bit of a metaphorical sense--the way the character acts just meant that X had to happen that way, but the author knew that from the beginning. Now that I've got one novel under my belt, I realize that that isn't true whatsoever.

I enjoy writing because I don't have control over the story. I have this basic plot in my head and a general idea of the characters' personalities, but at the end of the day, I really don't know how I'm going to get from point A to point Z. I'm as much a spectator as the non-involved reader is and it's AWESOME!

Yes, I get sad because once a story is on paper I can no longer enjoy editing it in my imagination, but I now realize that my imagination is a limiting place. What emerges from my fingers is something that might never have crossed my mind otherwise and yet, it just had to be and Mattie couldn't be any other way.

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