Warning: Adult Content


As the author of this blog, I want to warn you that there is some sexual language within these stories. It's not vulgar, nor is it explicit, but if you would be offended by the language in a typical male (or female) locker room, then you should probably leave.

These are romances, therefore, expect romantic situations. Is it PG-18? Probably not, which is why I have not set this blog to ask if you are over age. In all honesty, I think most of these "safe-guards" are a load of crap because we all know that a kid can access whatever they want by lying. If you are a parent and insulted, then I hope that you are keeping healthy tabs on what your kids are reading both online and off. Healthy--like discussing with them what you find appropriate or not for whatever maturity level they are.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

I wrote a poem!!!

Seriously, rejoice! I NEVER write poetry and really dislike reading it, but I just joined what I thought would be a helpful writing site and the only contest I can enter is writing a 5-7-5 poem (a haiku, only broader in terms of topics).

I went ahead and entered and this was the result:

Becoming an Adult
Sake, cold and tart
Supposedly refreshing
Reminds of cough syrup

This is the story of my first real experience with alcohol and 2 people have already reviewed it positively. Of course, I didn't realize in the total of 4 minutes I worked on it that "syrup" has 2 syllables, which means that I wrote a 5-7-6 poem, but who cares. I'm very proud of my poem [cheezy grin].

By the way, the site isn't that helpful--I can't upload my stuff without paying and I'm too poor for that.

Welcome to any FanStory users who were redirected here. I hope you enjoy my stuff and please feel free to leave any comments.

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